
  Advanced Renamer


タイトル Advanced Renamer
URL https://www.advancedrenamer.com/
バージョン ver 3.95
更新日 2024/04/26
追加日 2016/06/02
種別 フリーソフト
説明 複数のファイルやフォルダを一度にリネームすることができるユーティリティ。






Advanced Renamer 3.95 - 15. apr. 2024
* New program icon
* New statusbar layout
* Changes to the Date Taken image EXIF metadata to better reflect the values seen in File Properties window in Windows Explorer. This is now the default behavior for new installations
* Added fallback values for <Img Author>, <Img Copyright>, <Img Subject>, and <Img Title>
* Fixed a problem where jpeg-metadata would be extracted multiple times
+ Test Names button added to the menu when Auto Test is turned off
+ Settings window: New options "Show image preview in file info panel", Default: On
* Changed visual appearance of Last Result panel to horizontal orientation
* Fixed Folder Panel not being able to resize before restart when not active at startup
* Changed program font to match Windows design guide lines
* Better support for UTF-8 characters when integrating with ExifTool
* Audio based tags and columns renamed from ID3 or ID3/MP3 to Audio. Old tag names still work for backwards compatibility
* <DirName> tag renamed to <FolderName> for added naming consistency. Old tag name still work for backwards compatibility
* Tag <Exe ProductVersion> renamed to <Exe Version>. Also added <Exe VersionMajor> and <Exe VersionMinor>
+ Functionality to remove items by special properties in the right click menu. New options are: "Remove unchanged items", "Remove unmarked items", and "Remove by pattern"
* When using "Mark by pattern" and counterparts, patterns had to match exactly if no asterisk (*) was used for pattern matching. Changed so that asterisk is automatically added in front and back of pattern if none are used
+ Buttons to quickly show and hide file info panel
+ New information error code when name collision rule has altered the filename
Advanced Renamer 3.94 - 7. feb. 2024
+ New tags for fetching metadata from executables: <Exe Product>, <Exe ProductVersion>, <Exe FileVersion>, <Exe Company>, <Exe Description>
+ New Setting (Program tab): Menu sizing. Values are normal, compact or super compact. Default: Compact
+ New Setting (Program tab): Enable or disable menu group names. Disable group names for a more minimal user interface when using compact or normal menu sizing
* Help button layout changed
* Moved menu button "User guide" to Help drop down
* Reduced the height and width of the menu
* Switch menu between super compact and normal/compact by small button in the menu
* Mouse scroll wheel didn't work for method list
* Don't allow columns in listview to be sized to 0 pixels width
* Timestamp method: Option "Dirname pattern" renamed to "Parent folder pattern"
* Redesigned how Replace List is rendered to fix a random display bug
* Settings window: First page is now the Program tab instead of Environment
* Upgrade message and "Help getting started" moved to the bottom of the window
* Upgrade message didn't look as expected in dark theme
* Default size of main window is now wider
* In the "Quick add method" panel, some buttons were not arranged correctly in some circumstances, making some not visible
* Various minor visual changes and optimizations
- Settings window: Removed option: "Confirm clear list"
Advanced Renamer 3.93 - 19. jan. 2024
* Folder select window for Move and Copy batch mode did not display buttons in the bottom of the window correctly
* In Folder mode, the Add Files button in the toolbar was not disabled
* In settings window, an error was sometimes displayed when configuration location was changed
* Mouse scroll wheel did not work in List Replace method
+ Added option to move the menu to the top of the window. In auto mode (now default), the menu will automatically move to the top when window is too narrow
* Menu is now a little less wide, and even less wide when program is in English
* Fixed video duration not being read correctly when formatted like "10 secs" or "10.05 secs"
* File info panel optimized for wider screens
* Arrow-icons changed to a brighter color to make them more visible in dark theme
* Improved JavaScript colors when editor is in dark mode
* Various fixes and improvements
* Fixed "Show files" button in folder panel
Advanced Renamer 3.92 - 17. nov. 2023
+ Dark mode
+ New document tags for PDF, Word, Powerpoint etc.: <Doc Pages>, <Doc Creator>, <Doc Title>
* Changed layout of tag picker to show tabs instead of dropdown
* Time and file time based tags are now located on the same page in the tag selector
* Method list toolbar didn't show hints for buttons
* Fixed video duration tags
* Item list grid lines are no longer the default option (they don't look good with dark mode)
Advanced Renamer 3.91 - 4. sep. 2023
* Fixed bug when adding folders with the button from the menu
* Removed old languages with no recent updates
* Moved and resized controls to better fit certain languages
Advanced Renamer 3.90 - 31. aug. 2023
* Fixed <Day> tag. Off by a day.
* Moved "Help getting started" button above list
* Changed size of "Preset" text in method list toolbar
Advanced Renamer 3.89 - 18. aug. 2023
Advanced Renamer 3.89 - 18. aug 2023
+ New menu bars
* Method bar panel made larger. Was a problem for localized versions of Advanced Renamer
* Clear methods now always asks to clear
* Larger default column widths
* Fixed: Main window did not always load maximized if closed maximized
* Improvements made for various DPI modes
+ Measures to prevent window disappearing when closing the program with multiple monitors and opening the program with only one attached
+ Added GPS tags for video files
+ New date/time tags:
<Img DateOriginal:yyyy-mm-dd>, <Img DateCreate:yyyy-mm-dd>, <Img TimeOriginal:hh-nn-ss>, <Img TimeCreate:hh-nn-ss>
<Date:yyyy-mm-dd>, <Time:hh-nn-ss>
<Date Created:yyyy-mm-dd>, <Time Created:hh-nn-ss>
<Date Modified:yyyy-mm-dd>, <Time Modified:hh-nn-ss>
<Video Date:yyyy-mm-dd>, <Video Time:hh-nn-ss>
* Fixed bug where the program would start outside the active screen area
* Better support for multple monitors
* Fixed index bug in exif tool window
+ Support for RW2 image format
Advanced Renamer 3.88.1 - 20. july 2021
+ Added tag <GPS Country Short>
+ Better support for long path names, more than 260 characters in length. Still not perfect and not all parts of the program will work with these files
* Language name not showing for Spanish translation
* Fixed list right click -> mark by pattern
* Fixed "Dont't show this again" checkbox in TV Show Import
* Fixed encoding error in TV show import
Advanced Renamer 3.87 - 13. oct. 2020
+ New name collision rule: New name
* Let slow scripts run for longer before timeout error
+ Script methods: Added console.log() as alias for app.log()
+ Script added app.logItem(item) method to list all item properties in JS console
+ Filter options in JS Console. Show only log ouput from specific item
* Fixed: Name collision rule Ignore did not show new filename correctly
* Fixed: Tag <Video Date Year> did not work in script method
* Fixed windows explorer context menu
* Fixed: Scripting returned booleans, dates, and numbers as strings
* Fixed: app.log(value) when value is an object will no longer fail
Advanced Renamer 3.86.1 - 5. aug. 2020
* New and improved JS scripting engine
* Executables compiled as 64 bit binaries
+ Settings: Button for removing all personal settings and restart the program
+ Method list: Right click: Duplicate method
* Fixed problem where some elements in the main window would disappear when using multiple monitors
- Tags for video codec and video audio codec has been removed
Advanced Renamer 3.85 - 11. july 2019
* Performance optimization for ExifTool when using program settings "Always use ExifTool for retrieving metadata" and when using ExifTool for fetching timestamps from images
* Improvements for high dpi displays
* Fix for new case method when changing case of local characters
* Fix: Sometimes the method panel is not showing
* Fix: When adding folders from folder panel the folder could get locked, preventing rename of the folder
* Fix: Program may become unstable after batch with errors