AutoHotKey v2


タイトル AutoHotKey v2
バージョン ver 2.0.13
更新日 2024/04/20
追加日 2024/03/16
種別 フリーソフト / オープンソース(GPL)
説明 キーボード割り当てユーティリティAutoHotKeyのv2。








Changed Hotkey function to throw ValueError if Options contains an invalid option.
Fixed InputHook to respect the +S option for Backspace when acting as undo.
Fixed debugger to safely handle property deletion during enumeration.
Fixed OLE clipboard content (e.g. error dialog text) being lost on exit.
Fixed detection of invalid suffix on a hotkey, such as Hotkey "a pu".
Fixed DllCall AStr* arg type to copy back only if address changes.
Fixed #Include to correctly "close" any built-in variable it reads (no known impact on real-world scripts).
Fixed WinTitles with two different ahk_id values to yield no match.


Fixed Gui GetPos/GetClientPos when Gui has an owner window or +DPIScale.

Fixed Until preventing subfolder recursion in file loops.

Fixed DllCall to throw when arg type is UStr.

Fixed a memory leak occurring for each regex callout.

Fixed Send erroneously releasing a modifier due to a race condition. For example, ~LAlt::Send "{Blind}x" intermittently released LAlt if some other keyboard hook was installed more recently than the script's own hook.

Fixed icon loader to prefer higher bit-depth when multiple bitmaps of the same size are present.

Fixed SendInput failing to release LCtrl if it had already released RAlt and the layout does not have AltGr.

Fixed key-up hotkeys not firing if the key repeats after modifiers change. For example, F1::Send "{Ctrl down}" should allow F1 up:: to e


Added a workaround for the first shown menu not accepting keyboard input on Windows 10.

Fixed the Add method (Gui) to support the ShortDate option for DateTime controls.

Fixed a reference counting error with multi-level function nesting.

Fixed #include <x> causing a load-time crash if used inside a function.

Fixed ListView.Opt("NoSort").

Fixed a memory leak occurring when an object with no own properties is cloned.

Fixed #include and FileInstall (non-compiled) to compare file names ordinally, not linguistically.