「MarsEdit 3.6.1」Mac App Store版リリース

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Softantenna Settings

Mac用ブログエディタMarsEditの最新版「MarsEdit 3.6.1」がMac App Storeで公開されています。変更点は少し前に公式サイトでリリースされていたダウンロード版と同様です(その時のエントリー)。 “Apply preview filter”機能が使えるようになりました。その他の変更点は以下のとおり。

- Restore auto-configuration functionality for Blogger/Blogspot blogs

- Fix a bug where an authentication dialog was not appearing for some LiveJournal and Squarespace configurations

- Fix a bug that prevented Flickr short-name being used in Flickr page links

- Fix a bug that prevented undo from working in some editor fields

- Fix a bug that allowed rich text to be pasted into Tumblr quotation text field

- Fix a bug that caused Tumblr quotation source text to be treated as plain instead of HTML.

- Fix a bug where new image albums for Blogger were created with public permissions

- Fix a cosmetic glitch with the Date Editor panel

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