


タイトル Inferno
URL http://www.vitanuova.com/inferno/index.html
バージョン ver 20150328
更新日 2015/03/29
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 Plan 9の妹に当たる、ベル研究所作の仮想OS。







is available as a gzip'd tar file inferno-20150328.tgz.
Download last updated: Sat Mar 28 11:14:52 GMT 2015
You can
use an hg clone to initialise your own repository (as described on the inferno-os source code page on Bitbucket).
It is sometimes quicker to initialise
your copy of the repository by downloading and unpacking the package described below.
is available as a gzip'd tar file inferno-inferno-20150324.tgz.
You might also need i386 versions of some libraries, since Inferno's emu runs in 32-bit mode only.
The unpacked inferno directory is a valid Mercurial repository, as if created by cloning the copy at Bitbucket,
except that your copy includes extra executables
Download last updated: Tue Mar 24 17:30:32 GMT 2015
Inferno Downloads
Current Distribution (Fourth Edition)
All distributions include the full source for hosted and native environments,
including cross-compilation tools (summary of distribution contents).
Although you can
use an hg clone to initialise your own repository (as described on the inferno-os source code page on Googlecode),
it is better to initialise your copy of the repository by downloading and unpacking the package described below.
You can then simply use hg pull and hg update to keep it up to date.
Not Windows: FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS X, Plan 9, and other Unix-like systems
A snapshot of the complete source tree, including executables such as mk for its reconstruction and the full set of fonts,
is available as a gzip'd tar file inferno-20100120.tgz.
Download and unpack the archive;
note that the contents of the archive is rooted at inferno.
You will need to change mkconfig and set your path or PATH to the right bin directory
before you can remake the tree using mk.
On Linux systems with a Debian base, such as Ubuntu, to compile the graphical version of the system
you will need the Debian packages libxext-dev, libxpm-dev, and x11proto-xext-dev installed.
Fourth Edition (20071003)
Fourth Edition (20070510)
Fourth Edition (20070202)
Fourth Edition (20061220)
currently FreeBSD, Irix, Linux, MacOSX (both PowerPC and x86) and Solaris, and
3.1 Mbytes
MacOSX 10.4 (power AND i386)
They might need Native Posix Threads support configured.