[ Windows > WWW > IE拡張 ]



タイトル Companion.JS
URL http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/CompanionJS/HomePage
バージョン ver 0.5.5
更新日 2010/09/16
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 フリーソフト
説明 IE用のJavascriptデバッガー。







2010-09-15 : v0.5.5
Implemented "call" method to all "console" functions. Now you can use "console.log.call" method to call "log" function for instance.
Added option to call directly any "console" function when assigned as a var (var t = console.log; t('toto'); /* is working */);
2010-05-18 : v0.5.4
Corrected a problem with IE8 and the new debugger. Now Companion.JS should work with fresh Win7 installs without installing any other software.
{ Copyright © 2001-2010 Core Services }
2009-10-05 : v0.5.3
Implemented "apply" method to all "console" functions. Now you can use "console.log.apply" method to call "log" function for instance.
2009-09-29 : v0.5.2
Corrected display bug introduced in v0.5.1.
2009-09-29 : v0.5.1
Corrected bug that was crashing IE.
{ Copyright © 2001-2009 Core Services }
2009-03-07 : v0.5
Corrected "document in undefined" bug that may occur on some pages.
Companion.JS is now able to run with the new javascript debugger engine shipped with Visual Studio 2008 and IE8, and can run in protected mode with this new debugger engine.
2008-10-19 : v0.4.2
Corrected escape characters not working on the console display
Added option to disable the "Console[x]=" line
Added properties "provider" which returns "Companion.JS" and "currentVersion" which returns Companion.JS version (for this version is will be "0.4.1") to the "console" object.
2008-08-10 : v0.4.1
console.log feature is now working on page refreshes
console object is now a real javascript object and "if (console.log)" is working.
Added properties "provider" which returns "Companion.JS" and "currentVersion" which returns Companion.JS version (for this version is will be "0.4.1" to the "console" object.