

  SourceTree for Windows


タイトル SourceTree for Windows
URL https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
バージョン ver
更新日 2017/05/11
追加日 2016/02/09
種別 フリーソフト
説明 Atlassianによる無料のGit GUIクライアント。







SourceTree is moving
This will be the final update via the current installer. To continue to receive new features, security patches, and automatic updates please download and install the latest version (2.x, 1.9 is no longer supported) at www.sourcetreeapp.com.
For further information please read here.
Update Git LFS Bitbucket Media Adapter to 1.0.4
Fixes problem with having TEMP on a different physical drive to git repo
SRCTREE-556 Added an option to suppress the spell checker dictionary delete notification. Silenced the notification when deleting all 'empty' entries.
SRCTREE-557 Reinstated drag'n'drop for staging/unstaging
SRCTREEWIN-6638 Corrected the concatenation of PATH variables used during Git actions.
SRCTREE-479 Ensure that the Git-LFS update process only looks at embedded installs not system installs.
Preparatory changes for switching from using AdvancedInstaller to Squirrel.Windows for installers.
Fixed memory leak in the TreeView
Upgraded Embedded Git to version 2.10.2
Upgraded Git LFS to version 1.5.2
Renewed our code signing certificate
SRCTREE-123 Bugsplat crash fix.
SRCTREE-225 Bugsplat crash fix.
SRCTREE-318 Bugsplat crash fix.
SRCTREE-355 Ensure the repo view is initialized to NONE then any opening any repo, which defaults to FILESTATUS, will ensure the viewmodel and UI refresh.
SRCTREE-364 Fix for dead locks in the file system watchers by providing 3 independent locks for 3 independent processes.
SRCTREE-426 Fix large file warning when LFS tracked using **
SourceTree 1.9.7
SRCTREE-416 Ensure AdvancedInstaller URLs use HTTPs rather than HTTP.
HOT-46343 Fix for commit crashes due to multi-column log view issues, backport default account crash
SRCTREEWIN-6111 Fixed crashes caused by multi-column log view
SourceTree 1.9.6
SRCTREE-186 Support non-official Mercury builds with versions such as 3.1+2
SRCTREE-203 Upgraded Dragablz dependency to avoid crashes on Windows 10 Insider builds 14xxxx
SRCTREE-205 Make creation of FileWatcher more resiliant, able to fail cgracefully when presented with complex path formats.
SRCTREE-220 Fixed crash when opening Mercurial repository tabs, when there was no user credentials defined in the .hgrc or mercurial.ini files.
SRCTREE-227 Fixed incorrectly identifying file character encodings and enforcing it onto diff views.
SRCTREEWIN-1453 Fixed a bug in the parsing of patch files generated by mercurial.
SRCTREEWIN-5955 Removed Tools/noticiations-test menu item.
SourceTree 1.9.5
SRCTREEWIN-5859 Fix looping/crash when using the 'Commit' toolbar option
SourceTree 1.9.4
SRCTREE-97 Crash fix for FastTree based tree views.
SRCTREEWIN-4731 Fixed use of bundle files when pulling with Hg. Ensure files are dereferenced.
SourceTree 1.9.4
SRCTREE-97 Crash fix for FastTree based tree views.
SRCTREEWIN-4731 Fixed use of bundle files when pulling with Hg. Ensure files are dereferenced.
SourceTree 1.9.3
SRCTREE-171 Reinstate prepopulating the commit message after merges etc.
SRCTREE-167 Reduce log spam by switching spurious Error messages to Debug messages.
SRCTREE-149 Implemented new generic notification dialog
SRCTREE-148 Fixed crash when installing SourceTree and user declines to use Mercurial
SRCTREE-140 Added logging and fixed potential bug where the dictionary is never loaded bcause the DataContext isn't set until later due to the ViewModelToViewConverter
SRCTREE-139 Fix the relocating of bookmarks by ensuring there is a valid dvcs handler for the new path.
SRCTREEWIN-5684 Extra error checking to ensure missing SSH server keys are detected during git operations and added to PuTTY/Pageant/PLink's key store
SourceTree 1.9.1
SRCTREEWIN-4477 R-instate a new implementation with improved performance of the TreeView FileListing for file status changes
SRCTREEWIN-5528 Fixed editing of Remote Host passwords.
SRCTREE-30 Fixed a number of minor style issues, including Bookmarks selection, tab colours, checkbox style.
SRCTREE-71 R-instate a new implementation with improved performance of the TreeView FileListing for log changes
SRCTREE-72 Fix for crashes in the new FileWatcher when opening Repositories containing submodules.
SRCTREE Upgrade embedded git-lfs to v1.2.0
SRCTREEDEV-562 Moved the Beta configuration files to %localappdata%\SourceTree-Settings\beta to persist them between updates.
SourceTree 1.9.1
SRCTREEWIN-4477 R-instate a new implementation with improved performance of the TreeView FileListing for file status changes
SRCTREEWIN-5528 Fixed editing of Remote Host passwords.
SRCTREE-30 Fixed a number of minor style issues, including Bookmarks selection, tab colours, checkbox style.
SRCTREE-71 R-instate a new implementation with improved performance of the TreeView FileListing for log changes
SRCTREE-72 Fix for crashes in the new FileWatcher when opening Repositories containing submodules.
SRCTREE Upgrade embedded git-lfs to v1.2.0
SRCTREEDEV-562 Moved the Beta configuration files to %localappdata%\SourceTree-Settings\beta to persist them between updates.
SourceTree 1.9.1
SourceTree 1.8.3
SRCTREEDEV-548 Upgraded embedded Git to 2.7.4 in response to Git security concerns, see http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2016/q1/645.
SRCTREEDEV-473 Upgrade to Advanced installer 12.7.2 to avoid dll hijacking of the SourceTree installer, see http://www.advancedinstaller.com/dll-hijacking.html.
You will need to re-install SourceTree with the new installer from https://sourcetreeapp.com to migrate to the new installer/update system. Your bookmarks and open tabs will be retained but
SRCTREEDEV Updated text view ref to handle crash with empty files
SRCTREEDEV Fix centering log labels when they have an annotation
SRCTREEWIN-5089 Fixed Horizontal scroll bars in diff view overlaps final line
SRCTREEWIN-5079 Fixed Unable to use shift+click to select multiple lines in diff
SRCTREEWIN-5064 Fixed non-ascii fonts.
SRCTREEWIN-5059 Fixed diff pane blanks out when another file is stages
SRCTREEWIN-5051 Fixed SourceTree Crashes after upgrading to latest version.
SRCTREEWIN-5038 Fixed Line deselection.
SRCTREEWIN-5037 Fixed line selection error.
SRCTREEWIN-5032 Fixed Non-contiguous selection error.
SRCTREEWIN-5025 Fixed non-ascii fonts.
SRCTREEWIN-5023 Fixed crashes in PathTrimmingTextBlock when font isn't found.
SRCTREEWIN-5003 Fixed non-ascii fonts.
SRCTREEWIN-4889 Reinstated scroll bars for diff view
SRCTREEWIN-4795 Reinstated left justifying diff view
SRCTREEWIN-4729 Ensure Diff shows all lines.
SRCTREEWIN-4699 Handle non-ascii characters in the Diff view
SRCTREEWIN-4695 Ensure the MergeTool response is picked up and handled correctly.
SRCTREEWIN-4678 Ensure the Analytics System starting before the DVCS system does not cause a crash for upgrading users after running the onboarding wizard.
SRCTREEWIN-4546 Fix copying lines from the Diff view.
SRCTREEWIN-4192 Fix enabling Hg for non-EN LANG settings.
SRCTREEDEV-505 Fix PATH inheritence, affecting external tools e.g. git-media, git-bin
SRCTREEWIN-4748 Set the browser emulation mode to IE10 to fix javascript pop issues where it doens't appear possible to set to IE11 mode.
SRCTREEWIN-4748 Set the browser emulation mode to IE10 to fix javascript pop issues where it doens't appear possible to set to IE11 mode.
SRCTREEWIN-4748 Fix for Google 2FA errors in Welcome Wizard. Set the browser emulation mode to IE11 to fix layout issues.
Please note our Terms and Conditions have changed. Please see Customer Agreement and Privacy Policy to learn more before installing this update